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Title II Data

Conceptual Framework

Preparing scholars, lifelong learners, leaders and reflective professionals who are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.

Teacher Preparation Programs

The Education Division at Saint Xavier University offers baccalaureate programs leading to licensure in early childhood education, middle level education, elementary education, and in collaboration with the College of Liberal Arts and Education, secondary education (9-12) in science (biology), English, social science (history), mathematics, PK-12 music, art and Spanish.

For candidates holding baccalaureate degrees, the Education Division offers master degree programs leading to initial licensure in elementary education, secondary education, and multicategorical special education, as well as advanced licensure in reading, multicategorical special education and TESOL. New programs for May 2018 include alternative licensure programs for elementary and middle level education.

The school also offers endorsement programs in:

  • English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education
  • Learning Behavior Specialist I (LBS I)
  • Technology Specialist

2016 Program Completers Pass Rates on Tests Required for Licensure


Test Field/Category Institution Statewide
Number Tested Number Passed SXU Pass Rate Pass Rate
Basic Skills        
Basic Skills Requirement -- -- 100% *
Aggregate -- -- -- *
Professional Knowledge/Pedagogy        
188: All Levels 10 10 100% *
Aggregate 10 10 100% *
Academic Content Areas        
105 Science Biology 5 -- -- *
107 Early Childhood Education 6 -- -- *
110 Elementary/Middle Grades 33 33 100% *
111 English Language Art 5 -- -- *
114 Social Science: History 6 -- -- *
115 Mathematics 5 -- -- *
163 Special Education General Curriculum -- -- -- *
135 Foreign Language: Spanish 5 -- -- *
143 Music -- -- -- *
145 Visual Arts 3 -- -- *
Aggregate 108 -- -- *
Teaching Special Populations        
155 Learning Behavior Specialist I 15 15 100% *
163 Special Ed General Curriculum Test 15 15 100% *
30 30 100% *
Summary Totals and Pass Rate 83 82 99% *

"--" indicates "Number Passed" and "Pass Rate" not shown because "Number Tested" is less than 10.

"*" indicates data has not been published yet.


Saint Xavier University is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. All programs offered by the Education Division are approved by the Illinois State Board of Education and the unit is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

Initial Licensure Admission Guidelines

Full Admission to the Education Division

To earn full admission to the Education Division and level 2 coursework SXU undergraduate students, undergraduate transfer students, and graduate students must complete the following requirements:

  • Cumulative GPA - 3.0 or higher
  • Passing State of Illinois Basic Skills Requirement - the Basic Skills Requirement can be met in one of 9 ways:
    • a passing score on the 'old' Illinois Tests of Basic Skills (096 or 300) - replaced by the current Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP,) or
    • a passing score on all 4 sections of the Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP), or
    • a composite score on the ACT Plus Writing of 22 or higher and a minimum score of 19 on the Combined English/Writing on tests taken before 9/1/2015 (scores can be combined from two different score reports), or
    • a composite score on the ACT Plus Writing of 22 or higher and a minimum score of 16 in Writing on tests taken between 9/1/2015 & 9/1/2016 (scores can be combined from two different score reports), or
    • a composite score on the ACT Plus Writing of 22 or higher and a minimum score of 6 in Writing on tests taken after 9/1/2016 (scores can be combined from two different score reports), or
    • a composite score of 22 on the ACT via ISBE "super scoring" and a passing score on the Writing test, or
    • a composite score on the SAT of 1030 (critical reading + mathematics = 1030 or higher) and a minimum score of 450 on writing on tests taken before 3/5/2016 (scores can be combined from two different score reports), or
    • a composite score on the SAT of 1110 (Evidence-based Reading and Writing + Mathematics = 1110 or higher) and a minimum score of 26 on Writing and Language Test on tests taken on or after 3/5/2016 (scores can be combined from two different score reports), or
    • a composite score of 1110 on the SAT via ISBE "super scoring" and a passing score on the writing test.

Conditional Admission to the Education Division

Only general education and level 1 education coursework.

  • SXU Undergraduate Students, Undergraduate Transfer Students
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
    • Progress toward meeting the Basic Skills Requirement:
      • a passing score on 2 out of 4 sections of the TAP, or
      • a composite score of 20 on the ACT, or
      • a composite score of 950 (critical reading + mathematics = 950) on the SAT (taken before 3/5/2016).
      • A composite score of 1030 (Evidence-based Reading and Writing + Mathematics = 1030 or higher) on SAT (taken on or after 3/5/2016).
  • Graduate Students - must move to full admission by the time 12 credit hours of program coursework have been completed or stop out of DOE Initial Licensure programs
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
    • Progress toward meeting the Basic Skills Requirement:
      • a passing score on 2 out of 4 sections of the TAP, or
      • a composite score of 20 on the ACT, or
      • a composite score of 950 (critical reading + mathematics = 950) on the SAT (taken before 3/5/2016).
      • A composite score of 1030 (Evidence-based Reading and Writing + Mathematics = 1030 or higher) on SAT (taken on or after 3/5/2016).

Probation Status Admission to the Education Division

Only level 1 coursework.

  • Graduate Students - must move to full admission by the time 12 credit hours of program coursework have been completed or be dismissed from the Initial Licensure program
    • Passing State of Illinois Basic Skills Requirement (in any of the 6 ways listed above), but
    • Cumulative GPA below 3.0

Probation Status and Conditional Admission to the Education Division

Only level 1 coursework.

  • Graduate Students- must move to full admission by the time 12 credit hours of program coursework have
    been completed or be dismissed from the Initial Licensure program

    Cumulative GPA below 3.0
    • Progress toward meeting the Basic Skills Requirement:
      • a passing score on 2 out of 4 sections of the TAP, or
      • a composite score of 20 on the ACT, or
      • a composite score of 950 (critical reading + mathematics = 950) on the SAT (taken before 3/5/2016).
      • A composite score of 1030 (Evidence-based Reading and Writing + Mathematics = 1030 or higher) on SAT (taken on or after 3/5/2016).

Notable Features and Accomplishments

  • The Education Division's programs are nationally recognized by: Association of Childhood Education International, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Council for Exceptional Children, National Science Teachers Association, National Association of Schools of Music, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, International Reading Association, National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, National Council of Teachers of English, Educational Leadership Constituent Council, and the National Council for the Social Studies
  • Extensive involvement in the P-12 community through external partnerships and faculty consultation
  • Highly qualified and experienced faculty, with 97 percent having doctoral degrees
  • Co-sponsorship of the Barbara Vick Early Childhood and Family Center with the Chicago Public Schools
  • Birth to three early intervention programs in collaboration with the Chicago Public Schools and the Illinois State Board of Education
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