Welcome to SXU's Tobacco-Free Campus
Tobacco-Free Since January 1, 2017
Saint Xavier University is very proud to join the nearly 2,000 other universities in the United States who are officially tobacco-free! Our policy went into effect on January 1, 2017 with the goal of providing a safe and healthy living/learning/working environment for the students, faculty, staff and visitors by minimizing the negative effects of secondhand smoke, improving fire safety and encouraging a more sustainable environment.
What Does Tobacco-Free Mean?
Tobacco-free campuses prohibit any tobacco product on their campuses. Our SXU policy states that use of any tobacco product on campus property, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, water pipes (hookah) and smokeless (chewing) tobacco is prohibited, as well as innovations in smoke or tobacco products, such as any non-FDA approved electronic nicotine delivery device, e-cigarette, JUUL or vape pen.
These tobacco products are prohibited on all University property, both indoors and outdoors, and in University-owned vehicles. The policy is applicable twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

The negative health effects of tobacco use have been well-documented over the last 50 years since the original Surgeon General's report in 1964, and these negative effects pose public health concerns in a school environment as well. The U.S. Government's Healthy People 2020 lists tobacco-related illness as a top health determinant that negatively affects the lives of citizens.
Tobacco-related illness is not limited to just the person who is smoking or chewing the tobacco; there has been evidence of the dangers of secondhand and thirdhand smoke for decades, as well as the environmental concerns posed by cigarette butts, e-cigarette vapor and the expectorant (spit) of those chewing tobacco. Please see SXU's full Tobacco-Free Task Force Report (PDF) for a discussion of scientific evidence pertaining to the health and environmental dangers of tobacco use.
Saint Xavier University is excited to have joined the increasing amount of colleges and universities in the United States that are establishing tobacco-free campuses.
Generously supported by the CVS Health Foundation and the American Cancer Society.